Why Is My Army Recruiter Not Responding?

Why Is My Army Recruiter Not Responding

Do you feel like you never get responses from your recruiters? It’s really easy to assume that because a recruiter isn’t answering your emails or taking your calls, it must be because they are ignoring you or because you’re not qualified. But here is the truth: The recruiting process is a lot like any other … Read more

Why Do Army Helicopters Fly Low?

Why Do Army Helicopters Fly Low

Do you think that army helicopters always fly low? Or have you ever wondered why some of the helicopters fly low while others don’t?  There are many theories out there about why helicopters fly low. Some people think that it is because they need to see better. Others believe that it is because they are … Read more

Why Can’t Army Have Beards?

Why Can't Army Have Beards

There is a strict policy about facial hair within the army. This policy is not just for the soldiers to look good and presentable but also for the safety of themselves and equipment. The military has a strict policy about facial hair because of various reasons. Let’s answer the question Why Can’t Army Have Beards … Read more

Do Army Recruiters Have a Quota?

Do Army Recruiters Have a Quota

Are you thinking about joining the military? You might think that the military has an official quota of recruits to meet a certain number of people in a given year. However, this is not true. While there is no official quota for enlistees, there are a number of steps that recruiters must follow to ensure … Read more